4The Asaro Mudmen: Haunting Figures of Legend

In the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea, the Asaro Mudmen stand out for their eerie and otherworldly appearance. According to local legend, the Mudmen were once a peaceful tribe that was forced to flee their village after being attacked by enemies. They took refuge by the Asaro River, where they covered themselves in white clay to blend in with the landscape. When their enemies found them, the Mudmen emerged from the mist, covered in clay and wearing grotesque masks, causing the attackers to flee in terror, believing they had encountered spirits or demons.

Today, the Asaro Mudmen continue to honor this legend by creating and wearing their distinctive clay masks. The masks, often adorned with exaggerated features like long fangs and horns, are used in ceremonial dances and performances. The combination of their ghostly white bodies and terrifying masks creates a haunting spectacle, one that has made the Asaro Mudmen a popular subject of photography and interest among tourists and anthropologists alike.